Making Living Easier with Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s is the second most common neurodegenerative disease in the world and currently affects over 6 million people worldwide. The slowly progressing disease usually begins from the age of 50 and is currently not curable. Medicines are often used to counteract the disease, but aids that make everyday life easier are also an important point in the lives of those affected.
Parkinson’s affects over 6 million people worldwide
Parkinson’s is a chronic disease of the central nervous system. It leads to slower and less physical movement, stiffness of the muscles, trembling of the hands and feet, and disturbances of the holding and positioning reflexes of the body. With aids that are tailored to precisely these symptoms, the sick person’s everyday life can be relieved quickly and effectively. However, people take help from medical marijuana alternatives in Minnesota if they couldn’t afford marijuana in this case.
Anti-freezing floor
In the event of sudden movement blockages, external stimuli help Parkinson’s patients. The blockage can be released by an obstacle that has to be overcome. The anti-freezing stick we developed helps with this. With a simple hand movement, a small barrier folds out at the foot of the stick, which is to be overcome and thereby interrupts the freezing.
Anti-freezing stepper
The anti-freezing stepper works according to the same principle. The rollator is equipped with metal plates, so-called paddles, between its wheels. These can be stepped on when freezing begins. The rollator also helps you keep your balance and prevents falls.
Rollz Motion Rhythm
The Rollz Motion Rhythm Rollator offers several helpful stimuli. Similar to the barrier of the anti-freezing stick, the rollator projects a laser line onto the floor, which is to be crossed. In addition, the rollator works with tones and vibrations of the handles to determine a walking pace. Its stability also helps to compensate for balance problems and prevent falls.
Living environment advice
There are a number of different aids that can make everyday life easier for people with Parkinson’s disease. Since everyone has individual needs, depending on where he or she lives, we recommend extensive advice on the living environment. A trained employee comes to your home and walks around your home with you (also with relatives, if you like). Various options for aids are suggested and shown to you.
Fall advice
Parkinson’s often leads to imbalance, which in turn can lead to falls. Depending on the situation and environment, these falls can be very painful and dangerous. We offer you a digital fall analysis. This can help to identify uncertainties at an early stage and to avoid dangerous situations.
Crockery with a trick
The “trick” tableware hides its aids invisibly in the design. The functional harness offers the user various supports. For example, a plate with an inclined inner bottom to make it easier to pick up the food on the cutlery or a mug with a tapered interior.
Ergonomic cutlery
Ergonomically shaped cutlery with non-slip, wide handles make it easier to grasp and hold the cutlery. The heavy weight makes it easier to control the cutlery. With forks and spoons, the blade can be turned to the right or left. Thus, the patient’s wrist can be relieved, as the necessary turning movement is minimized.
Tremor spoon attachment
Another useful aid for meals is the tremor spoon attachment. The flexible and tasteless material acts like a raised rim. This way, liquid food stays on the spoon despite the tremors.
Key help
A key aid can help the person concerned with opening doors. The simple physical lever principle means that less force is required. The key is stuck in the aid and cannot be lost. The key aid itself is made of lightweight plastic with smooth surfaces.
Pain has a tendency to sap your vitality and draw you down. It can lead to depression, which is already a risk factor for persons with Parkinson’s disease. It’s crucial to be surrounded by individuals who are in the same situation as you. Parkinson’s disease is more than just a movement disorder, and non-motor symptoms can be just as painful as tremors and dyskinesia.
Stress exacerbates the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Symptoms, on the other hand, come and go in varying degrees of severity, so whatever is causing you to have a bad day now might not be there tomorrow.
Never give up
Not giving up is sometimes easier said than done, especially when you feel alone and abandoned. Your friends and family may appear to have abandoned you, but it’s more probable that they are just ignorant of your new journey. It’s generally best to forgive those in your life and move on, while finding new friends in the PD community that truly understand what it’s like to live with the disease.
Parkinson’s disease is a cause of grief, but in spite of what we feel has been taken away, we may choose to live joyfully and purposefully. It’s not the end of the world, and we’ll have to adjust to our “new” lifestyles. New possibilities open up with a new lease on life. “Never lose hope and faith,” as one person put it, since God works miracles every day, and you might be the one He chooses to do so.