
Impressive Proposal Essay Topics for 2022-23

Let’s assume that you are having a conversation with a bunch of people and all of a sudden, an idea strikes you. Well, it’s quite obvious that there will be people who will have opposing views. So, in that case, you will have to present strong arguments and ample evidence for supporting your claim. This real-life experience is depicted on paper in the form of a proposal essay. The objective of such writing is to convince the readers that your idea is viable or correct.  

A proposal essay, being a type of persuasive essay, is composed to oppose or support a stated proposition. This kind of writing assignment is often given to college students. The students are usually provided with some prompts or brief statements regarding a problem or an issue that the society faces or is facing, which requires the students to study the same and choose either to preserve it or argue for changing the existing state of affairs. PenMyPaper suggests choosing a strong and compelling proposal essay topic.

This article furnishes some great proposal essay topic ideas on various fields so that you don’t have to rack your brain to find one.

The Internet and Social Media

According to, topics related to Social media and the Internet are always trending- the audience is always interested in such topics.

  • Sharing of information safely through social media.
  • How can people avoid cybercrimes?
  • How often do children watch TV? What impact does too much TV consumption affects and how?
  • People should be taught online communication ethics.
  • Should people be photographed without their permission if they are in a public place?
  • To improve learning, how can students make use of social media?
  • It is appropriate for students to communicate with teachers on social media?
  • Should students ignore cyberbullying or fight against it?

Proposal Essay Topic – Business

  • Should business courses be taken to improve people’s qualifications?
  • Young minds having creativity should indulge in entrepreneurship.
  • Do people need to take business courses to improve their qualifications?
  • Young people with creative ideas should work in the business.
  • How can brand loyalty be built?
  • How does organizational culture affect company operations?
  • What do investors look for in startups?
  • How important is social presence for a brand?
  • Economic performance will improve if women are given the opportunity and rights to manage the business.
  • The problem of unemployment and the measures to take to tackle it.

Motivational Subjects

Students are particularly interested in motivational subjects. You can inspire the reader to do good deeds and call them to action.

  • Is it money that encourages good behavior or aggression?
  • How can you learn to overcome obstacles without becoming depressed?
  • Can we learn from the mistakes of others?
  • A person’s personality is destroyed and destroyed by perfectionism. How to manage this?
  • How to handle a breakdown of emotion while defending a project?

Topics pertaining to the student’s lifestyle

Students enjoy writing about current issues and challenges, says online essay services expert. Proposal essays are the most common type of academic paper because of this. Take a look at some ideas for a proposal essay about undergraduate campuses and student life.

  • Is it possible to acquire useful knowledge at home?
  • How to increase student retention?
  • How can students contribute to the success of an educational establishment?
  • What methods of relaxation can you use to unwind after a long day at school?
  • How can you increase your reading level and retain lesson material?
  • What kinds of school clubs are worth participating in to build community?
  • How can you complete your studies without becoming exhausted?


The modern generation is the most technologically advanced ever. Their use of technology and the Internet has had a significant impact on society. This topic can be covered in a variety of ways, giving students a wide range of options.

  • How could individuals decrease their reliance on innovation?
  • How should children be taught how to use the Internet responsibly?
  • How to avoid identity theft online and protect yourself.
  • How can consumers and businesses safeguard sensitive information online in a more secure manner?
  • How can educators and parents effectively combat cyberbullying?
  • Is society being harmed as a result of rapid technological advancement?

Topics pertaining to Climate-related issues

  • Changes in climate: consequences and ways to avoid them.
  • Global climate and ecology: concepts of the anthropogenic and cosmogenic
  • Changes in global climate: new dangers and opportunities for economic growth.
  • Climate, water resources, and health are the first things people should be concerned about.
  • What is in store for those impacted by global warming?
  • How can people be made more aware of the importance of maintaining a clean environment?
  • How can the general public be taught about environmental laws?
  • How can hazardous landfills be avoided?
  • How can we encourage people to commute by bicycle?

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