Ways To Prevent Type II Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition when your pancreas can not produce insulin or your receptors become insensitive to its action.
Type I diabetes, also known as insulin-dependent diabetes, is a condition when your pancreas does not secrete insulin and you need to get it externally. It can occur in people of any age group. But most commonly, it occurs in young people.
Type II diabetes is a type of diabetes when your receptors become insensitive to the action of insulin. To restore the sensitivity, the healthcare providers prescribe you insulin sensitizers. It is more common in people around or above the age of 50. People having a family history of diabetes should get themselves screened frequently when they are around the age of 50.
You can not prevent type I diabetes from occurring. Most commonly, it occurs due to a viral infection that destroys the cells of your pancreas. However, type II diabetes is preventable up to some extent. A healthy lifestyle and diet can help you lower your risk of type II diabetes. Therefore you should eat a healthy diet with a regular workout routine. Diabetes itself can lead to various complications, therefore preventing it can help protect you from many health conditions.
If you have diabetes, you should visit your healthcare provider for follow-up visits and screening tests. Diabetes, if left untreated, can lead to life-threatening and vision-threatening complications. Therefore do not take it lightly. Follow the instructions of your healthcare provider and the medications they have prescribed.
In this article, we will tell you the tips to lower your risk of type II diabetes. If you are diabetic, you should visit your healthcare provider frequently. To get an expert opinion, you can consult with the Best Internal Medicine Specialist in Karachi.
Tips To Prevent Type II Diabetes
To prevent type II diabetes, the following tips can help:
Cut Down Sugar and Refined Carbohydrates From Your Diet
Eating too much sugar and refined carbohydrates can increase the chances of developing diabetes.
When you consume carbohydrates, your body breaks them down into sugar that circulates in your blood. In response to elevated blood glucose levels, your pancreas secretes insulin- a hormone that absorbs glucose from the blood into your body.
In prediabetic people, your receptors become resistant to the action of insulin, hence leading to elevated blood sugar levels. To cope with it, your pancreas secretes more and more insulin to lower down high blood glucose. When it happens over the long term, the condition turns into type II diabetes. Therefore cutting down on sugary and carbohydrate-rich foods can help lower the risk of developing diabetes.
Work Out Regularly
Doing daily physical activity can help lower the risk of diabetes. When you work out, the insulin sensitivity of your cell increases, hence the chances of insulin resistance are lowered, and your pancreas needs to secrete less insulin as required.
Various physical activities can help lower blood glucose in prediabetic, diabetic, and obese people. Therefore you should make a routine of exercise for at least five days a week. You can incorporate cardio or weight training.
Drink Plenty of Water
Drinking water may not only help in keeping blood sugar levels at the bay, but it also has benefits for your overall health. Instead of any carbonated or sweetened beverage, opt for water. It is the most natural drink you can intake. If you can not drink plain water, you can add some drops of lemon juice to it to incorporate flavors into it.
Maintain A Healthy Weight
Not everyone with type II diabetes is overweight or obese. But being that way can increase the risk of type II diabetes. Therefore if you are overweight or obese, you should lose weight and be at a healthy body mass index.
If you have diabetes, you should visit your healthcare provider frequently. For an expert opinion, you can consult with an Internal Medicine specialist in Lahore.