Home Improvement

How To Upgrade Bathroom On A Budget On Sunshine Coast

Home renovations can be expensive, especially renovating an entire bathroom. Bathrooms get dirty very soon and they need to be cleaned and upgraded regularly to maintain hygiene around the house.

Bathroom upgrades can cost a fortune, however, if you are cautious and follow these simple guidelines, you can get a beautiful bathroom without breaking the bank.

1.      Do Not Take Tiles Ceiling High

People often make the mistake of taking their bathroom tiles to their ceiling height. This can cost you a lot of money because tiles can be expensive. Make sure that you take your tiles as far as the shower water may reach the walls, approximately 2 meters. You can check by turning on the shower and see where the walls are getting wet.

You can paint the rest of the wall with water-resistant paint. This has an added advantage that you can always repaint the wall if you want a change of theme in the washroom.

2.      Paint Before You Put Accessories

When you are painting the bathroom walls, make sure you paint before putting the washroom accessories such as basin, bathroom seat, and shower set. This will make sure that the nooks and corners are protected with water-resistant paint. This will prevent any molds from growing, which might make you renovate the washroom once again.

Secondly, your accessories will not become dirty with the paint and you will not have to spend time cleaning them.

3.      Hire Floor Removals

When you are upgrading your bathroom, you will surely need to replace the flooring tiles. You should hire a professional like floor tile removal Sunshine Coast for the job.

Hiring a professional means you can save the cost of wasted materials. Professionals will do the job much more efficiently. They will not waste any material nor damage anything useful.

4.      Change Leaking Pipes

The most important thing you can do for your bathroom is to change leaking pipes. Plumbing is the major expense around a house. Therefore, when you have a budget to upgrade your bathroom, replace all the worn-out faucets and pipes. This replacement can save you a lot of money and trouble in the future as well.

If you are keeping the old pipes and think that they might give you a few more years, then you are only adding to your future expenses. Replace while you can.

5.      Avoid Mosaics

When we are upgrading the bathroom, we want to have a new look in our space. While there are many ways to achieve this goal, mosaic tiles should not be your option. Mosaics do look good, without a doubt but they can be very expensive.

The amount of effort and time required to join together the piece makes it expensive.  If you can afford to do so, or you are an expert yourself, go crazy with mosaics.  However, when you are running on a tight budget, this should not be your choice of renovation. 

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