If homeowners knew how dust particles are made, they would spend more time vacuuming and repairing window leaks in their homes. Dust is made up of dead skin cells, dust mites, clothing fibers, insects, hair, and pollen, among other things. Do you have a lot of dust on your kitchen table or on your carpet? This is a sign that your home has a problem with indoor air quality. To assist you in determining the source of your home’s poor air quality, I compiled a list of reasons why does my house get so dusty, as well as solutions to the problem.
What’s the Deal With My Dusty House?
Cleaning with a vacuum
The majority of homeowners believe that vacuuming is the most efficient way to remove dust from a room’s carpet. If your house is dusty after you vacuum, it’s a sign that your vacuum is releasing too much dust and contaminants into the air while it’s running. Investing in a HEPA air filtration system is the most effective way to eliminate dust. High-efficiency particulate air filters are referred to as HEPA filters. A HEPA air filter is designed to remove contaminants with a size of.3 microns or larger with a 99.97 percent efficiency rating.
Filters of Poor Quality
Fiberglass air filters are used to filter out pet dander, dirt, and hair from your home’s indoor air. Fiberglass filters, on the other hand, aren’t designed to remove tiny particles like dust from the air. If you’re wondering why your house is dusty, the problem can be solved by investing in a new premium air filter with a high MERV rating.
Smaller particles, such as dust, pass through the fibreglass filters with little difficulty. The AC evaporator coil becomes dirty as a result, and airborne dust is recirculated throughout your home.
If your filters never seem to get dirty, or if you only change them once in a while, they’re probably not catching the dust in your air.
You’ll need to buy an air filter with a MERV rating of 5 to 8 to reduce the amount of dust in the air. Although it may be tempting to buy a large quantity of air filters at a low cost, cheap fibreglass filters have a MERV rating of 1 to 4.
a dusty house could be caused by dirt from your shoes or socks. Furthermore, breadcrumbs from meals and particles in the air will degrade the quality of your indoor air. Vacuuming 3 to 4 times a week will help to reduce the amount of dust particles in your home. While vacuuming your living room and bedrooms will improve your air quality, wearing shoes in your home will have no effect. Examine the bottoms of your shoes if you’re wondering why your house is so dusty.
Dirt, bacteria, dust, and small insects may be tracked into your carpet by the bottoms of your shoes. When your carpet becomes dirty, it will release dust particles into the air when you walk on it. Ask your family and visitors to remove their shoes at the front door to keep your carpet clean. Move the shoes to a utility closet or a welcome mat to prevent dirt from spreading.
Although removing your shoes and vacuuming can help to reduce the amount of contaminants in the air, replacing your carpet with tiles or wood flooring is the best way to eliminate dust in your home. Wood floors are a simple way to improve your indoor air quality while also increasing the value of your home.
Leaks in the Windows
The caulk near the glass panes in your home’s windows can become worn out as they reach the middle of their life cycle. If you’re trying to figure out why your house is dusty, it’s possible that contaminants and dust are entering through cracks and holes in the window frames.
Sealing the cracks in your window frames with caulk is the most effective way to improve the cleanliness of your air. Do you notice a draught coming in through the front door? Investing in new weather strips is a simple and cost-effective way to stop leaks. Purchasing and installing new weather strips will assist in the removal of dust and the improvement of your home’s insulation.