Etiquette for Bringing Your Dog to Work

Remember when “Casual Friday” meant wearing slacks and a shirt without a tie? Workplace formality has given way to a more relaxed, friendly atmosphere – a change that has extended to many companies that welcome dogs, cats and other pets into their offices.
Many offices now even celebrate “Take Your Dog to Work Day,” a summer Friday when co-workers bring in their dogs and introduce them to their work friends and new dog friends.
Maybe your work culture takes a hit when a dog runs around or a few puppies nibble on people’s feet. But before you bring your pet to celebrate, make sure you follow proper etiquette for bringing your dog to work. Otherwise, you may find yourself being called to the dirty carpet by your boss. Here are some tips on proper etiquette for bringing your dog to work
Make sure your co-workers (not to mention your boss!) agree to bring your dog into the office.
Many companies simply do not have a policy about bringing dogs to work, but this is not an open license to bring a puppy. Before you do anything, consult with HR and/or senior leadership. Find out if your co-workers are comfortable with dogs.
Dog or cat food
A modest outfit-Kuoser tuxedo
Have a written policy regarding pets.
This policy should include:
- What types of pets are allowed
- Areas where pets are prohibited, especially where sensitive equipment or products are stored
- Guidelines for unspayed or spayed animals
- Designate an employee to keep a daily attendance sheet to record whose pets have been in the office
Require owners to control their dogs at all times. You may want to consider requiring dogs to take the lead.
Determine which bad behaviors will result in the dog being evicted from the office and agree on the number of times the pet will be allowed to “strike” before being evicted.
Ensure that all visiting pets are vaccinated.
Designate an outdoor area for dog walking.
Bring bags and equipment to clean up after your pets.
Designate a non-pet area to accommodate people who do not like dogs or have allergies.
Only allow dogs that are well socialized with people or other dogs. Remember, not all animals get along well.
The most important thing to remember is that the workplace is not a playground for puppies. If he or she begins to distract others from their work, it may not be appropriate for your dog or your co-workers.