T.I. Praises Tokyo Jetz – Check Out The Clips He Posted

T.I. is praising Tokyo Jetz on his social media account. Check out the posts that he shared.
‘Lil Sis 1 of the coldest @tokyojetz 🥶Gives me chills to hear her kick her shit… cause I watch her go through it & I know it’s ALL REAL💯Legend has it… she still walkin on this ho‼️’ Tip captioned one of his posts.
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Someone said: ‘She top 3 females idgaf! Lyrically, Real Life Stories… not all that thot muzic,’ and another follower posted this message: ‘First damn line got me like hmm fr true facts. Wtf does up look like even if I stare up at midnight, these damn stars ain’t been real like suge night when suge night took his words and booked fights! You know he really sat downnn and book fights, to get you outta contract he wasn’t wat he looked like. They showed us the real effin suge night, that same night when pac died, yeah he died for suge night! 😢 so what does up even look like, your whole life you could fight and then what cause at the end the elites gone still take yooo life, an yo wife she better have heart cause it’s a ruff night cause she knows what you know exactly what it looks like.’
One other follower said: ‘Finally a female flowing talking bout something.’
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Tip posted another video and he captioned it with the following words: ‘Gon & Finish ya meal @tokyojetz👑Safe to say Lil sis understands the assignment💯#CancelCulture OUT NOW‼️’
A commenter posted this: ‘I wish grand hustle would do a better job at promoting her cuz Tokyo is 🔥 and very underrated,’ and one other follower said: ‘My homegirl was telling me about her! They love her in Jacksonville!’
Other than this, Tip is living his best life with his family these days. Stay tuned for more news.