Rape, abortion and betrayal. Why Masha Malinovskaya was disappointed in men

The model from Smolensk gained fame when she moved to Moscow and got a job at MUZ-TV. Hit parade 10 sexy and erotic reality show “Empire” turned Masha Malinovskaya into a femme fatale. But was she as frivolous as the haters thought?
On January 21, Masha Malinovskaya turns 41, and the time when she was the star of MUZ-TV is in the past. The affair with the TV channel turned out to be fleeting, and ended in a scandal, which the TV presenter later regretted. Why did Malinovskaya lose her job, which millions of girls dreamed of?
Masha tried herself as a VJ, singer, actress, even managed to be a deputy. Only recently, people around are more often discussing the numerous plastic surgeries of the TV star, and not her career. Why did Malinovskaya constantly go under the knife and how, despite her popularity and spectacular appearance, did she remain a single mother? Let’s look for answers in the biography of the presenter.
Difficult childhood
Marina Sadkova, and this was actually the name of our heroine, was not known as an exemplary student, and problems in the family did not contribute to the concentration of the child in the classroom: the girl was 10 when her parents divorced, so grandparents were engaged in raising the schoolgirl.
“I was very worried. Cried for several days. For me it was a big blow. Dad, a military man, served in another city, and we lived in Smolensk. And I didn’t see him for several years, he didn’t call me, didn’t write letters, didn’t wish me happy birthday. I was very offended by him, because the moment came in my adolescence when I really needed him, but he was not around, ”Malinovskaya shared in the Stars Aligned program on NTV.
Communication with dad resumed when Marina had already graduated from school. Nikolai Sadkov did not even ask his daughter for forgiveness for the years of absence, but for the girl it was not so important. In the future, the man was able to make up for lost time in relations with his grandson. However, let’s not get too far ahead.
Unfortunately, the divorce of the parents was not the worst memory for the future presenter. Once Masha was walking home from school with a classmate, some men grabbed the girls, pushed them into a car, took them to the forest and raped her. It was the first sexual experience of Malinovskaya …
Probably, to some extent, psychological trauma prompted the girl to move from her hometown. Or work on self-esteem contributed to the desire – Marina, who considered herself an “ugly duckling”, got a job in a modeling agency, began acting for advertising and defiling on the catwalk. After three years of studying economics, Sadkova decided that it was time to conquer new horizons and went to Moscow.
The 20-year-old girl ended up in the capital, where she soon met a businessman named Maxim. Young people came together and got married, but later Masha called this union fictitious. The feelings of the model can be understood, because when she became pregnant, she heard from her husband a phrase that turned her world upside down.
The businessman said that he would be happy only with the birth of a boy, but he did not need a girl, so it was necessary to find out the sex of the child as soon as possible. The procedure is safe only at the time when it is too late to have an abortion, but Maxim sent his wife for a special examination, in which amniotic fluid is taken through a piercing of the abdomen. First, the model decided to consult a gynecologist, and the doctor yelled at the patient, saying that such manipulations are dangerous and are carried out only in the most extreme cases.
The doctor advised Marina to run away from the tyrant, and the model followed the recommendation. Returning to Smolensk, the blonde realized that she wanted to get rid of any reminder of Maxim, including the child. “I had an abortion on purpose, because I didn’t want either a boy or a girl from this man,” Malinovskaya explained years later.
After the divorce, the woman was left penniless, because she did not sue her husband for property and real estate. “There was another incident: somehow I came home and found him in bed with another, I saw a woman in bed who was hiding behind a blanket,” the star admitted in the Secret to a Million program of the NTV channel.
The woman managed to improve her plight by returning to Moscow. The blonde’s friend Katya Zharkova already worked at MUZ-TV, so the provincial received a pass to the television studio. And then the power of charm already acted: Marina easily passed the casting and got on the blue screen. The producers advised the novice presenter to change her name, and so Masha Malinovskaya appeared.
There was another recommendation: to increase the bust. However, contrary to popular belief, Masha did not make her first plastic surgery because of dreams of a large size – after the abortion, the shape of the breast deteriorated greatly, and the woman inserted implants of the same volume as she had by nature, on the advice of a doctor. Alas, the operation was unsuccessful, so it was necessary to go under the knife again. “One nipple was in a bra, and the other, excuse me, looked at the chin,” Malinovskaya commented on the situation.
finest hour
Masha led the hit parades 10 Sexy, “Top Twenty”, “Star Factory” and the erotic reality show “Empire”. At first, she attracted attention with her bright appearance and defiant outfits, turning into a kind of Barbie MUZ-TV. Then it turned out that the blonde is distinguished by an amazing directness, bordering on vulgarity. “For a man, a car is an extension of a penis,” a lot of such statements flew out of Malinovskaya’s mouth.
By the way, about the lips: the audience was discussing the host’s sexy lips with might and main, arguing how much Botox she pumped there. But even here the story began with a failure. When injections were just coming into fashion, the beautician explained to Masha that hyaluron is quickly absorbed, so you should not be afraid of a long-term effect. In the case of Malinovskaya, it turned out differently: the substance formed a single lump, which could only be removed with the help of a complex operation.
The TV star suspected that instead of hyaluronic acid she received a dose of industrial silicone, and only by a miracle did the doctors restore her lip sensitivity.
The apogee of Masha’s work on television was a passionate kiss with Timati at the MUZ-TV Prize, after which the media started talking about the stars’ affair. And in 2005, one of the main novels in the life of Malinovskaya ended – with the channel that made her famous. Fame turned the blonde’s head and, believing in her own exclusivity, she quit her job with a scandal.
Subsequently, Masha regretted the hasty decision, but then she rushed to conquer new horizons: she starred in comedies, wrote books about relationships with men and, with the light hand of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, became a deputy of the Belgorod Regional Duma on the lists of the LDPR. However, already in October 2008, a not too disciplined woman politician was expelled from the party. The TV presenter responded to this with an event held under the loud slogan “I am no longer a member, but I have a mandate!”
A year later, Masha tried herself in the role of a singer and DJ, at the same time starring for the cover of Playboy – the status of a sex symbol also needs to be maintained. In 2011, Malinovskaya managed to return to TV and become the host of the Temptations show. But the popularity of the blonde was declining, and now they spoke about her exclusively in the context of scandals and personal dramas …
Parting with lovers
As it turned out, Masha had plenty of tragedies. In 2007, she was going to marry businessman Yevgeny Morozov, but at the last moment the wedding was canceled. Then the media started talking about Malinovskaya’s romance with businessman Denis Davitiashvili, whom the blonde met in Courchevel.
“He fell in love with me, I fell in love with him, and our marriage would have been absolutely perfect if my second husband had not cheated on me. Denis did a lot for me, and even if he offended me with something, he generously paid off later: he gave me cars and jewelry. At that time, I was satisfied with this style of relationship, so I don’t want to talk bad about it now. I don’t think it’s right to blame Denis for not loving me enough, ”said Masha.
Later, Malinovskaya admitted that Denis raised his hand to her, and also that she also had an abortion from him. Nevertheless, the star retained “brotherly and human” love for the former chosen one and was very worried when he was accused of fraud.
After breaking up with Denis, Masha had two more easy novels. Although one gentleman even gave the star a spacious apartment in Odessa, in the end, nothing serious happened to the couple. Well, then the presenter fell head over heels in love with the Chechen businessman Mamikhan Malsagov, whom she ran into at a party.
As it turned out, the man was married and, although he promised to get a divorce, he did not take active steps. When Malinovskaya became pregnant, she decided to keep the child, no matter what. Then the wife of Mamikhan called the blonde, and after this conversation, Masha broke up with the businessman. Malsagov concluded that the passion was simply manipulating him and hoping to receive financial assistance.
“I answered: “Listen, I understand everything. I don’t need anything from you. Truth”. He was furious: “Since you don’t need anything from me, you can tell your child that his dad is an astronaut. The first Chechen cosmonaut. Thus ended our short romance, ”Malinovskaya shared.
Until the seventh month, Masha threw parties and worked as a DJ to save money for the future. She sold her jewelry, and also accepted financial assistance from her ex-husband – Denis acted nobly by coming to the host pregnant from another man and handing her money. Little Miron was born in a simple Smolensk hospital.
Malinovskaya overcame all these tests with her head held high. By her own admission, the death of her grandmother turned out to be the hardest blow in her life: a pensioner was hit by a truck right in front of her house. After the funeral, grandfather drank from grief and also soon died. Mom was hospitalized with a heart attack, but Masha was admitted to the same clinic, but in the neuropsychiatric department – she simply could not cope with stress on her own.
Slander or reality?
Masha did not stop criticizing for changes in appearance, frankly calling her a victim of surgery. Blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, facelift, removal of Bish’s lumps, fillers and “beauty injections” – it seems that the presenter was too carried away in pursuit of ideals.
When she started working on MUZ-TV, Masha was rather slender, but, as it turned out, harmony was given to her by overwork. In addition to diets and sports, extremely harmful Thai diet pills banned in Russia sometimes intervened. For the first time, Malinovskaya tried the advertised, but dangerous remedy at 22, and in 2018 she admitted to Lera Kudryavtseva that she was returning to the hard method of weight loss again.
Some suspected that Masha was not limited to taking only these prohibited substances. A few years ago, Dana Borisova mentioned on a TV show that Malinovskaya was suffering from drug addiction. “The problem is that this whole story had a very strong impact on my mom’s health. But I don’t want to go into that now. I am categorically not ready for any kind of dialogue with Dana, because for me it’s like drinking from a puddle. Dana ruined my reputation, my career. When this piece of shit slandered me, journalists came to my mother in Smolensk. I was in the kitchen making pancakes. A call to the intercom, mother is asked: “How do you feel about the fact that your daughter is a drug addict?” As a result, my mother had a hypertensive crisis, that day we called an ambulance twice, ”Masha was indignant in the YouTube show of the Arena channel.
Malinovskaya categorically denied her addiction. Moreover: it was the absence of problems with prohibited substances that she associated with a career decline. “You asked why I’m not enough on TV. The answer is on the surface: I don’t copulate with dogs, I don’t take drugs, I don’t drink, and I wasn’t mixed up in the hospital. Guys, from time to time I write synopses for TV shows. Yes, illiterate, but with a soul. Since they don’t go to TV bosses, I decided to share my thoughts with you from time to time, ”the presenter confessed with subscribers.
In any case, Masha continued to work on herself, not paying attention to criticism and gossip. She frankly told how, against the background of stress, she overate and gained weight, and then struggled with extra pounds, noted that she reduced her lips and breasts in order to look more natural. But confessions about stormy romances from the lips of Malinovskaya have not sounded for a long time …
Loneliness or freedom?
“I haven’t parted with anyone for 300 years,” Masha emphasized in the show “Lucien, let me tell!” last spring. The last time I had sex was around 2003. I eat buns and without parting. I lie down, eat ice cream non-stop, watch Bridget Jones without even breaking up with anyone. I’m just a complete pervert in that sense.”
Fans hope that Masha is still waiting for a meeting with a dream man who can bring joy, and not just disappointment. However, Malinovskaya copes well with the image of a strong and independent woman, and the blonde’s self-esteem has grown noticeably in recent years. What is worth the scandalous appearance of the presenter at the MUZ-TV Prize in a bathrobe! It seems that the star does not give a damn about stereotypes and other people’s expectations for a long time, and this is already half the success.