
How much is the NAATI Exam fee?

Before letting you know about the NAATI Exam fee, I would like to explain what the NAATI Exam is? And for which purposes is it used?


NAATI Exam (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Exam) is the exam taken by candidates looking for Australian Permanent Residence. NAATI is a testing and evaluation service linked to migration and other government services. Through this exam, you will be able to claim five additional bonus points for Australian Permanent Residence.


In its complete form, the Credentialed Community Language Test is called the CCL exam. After the 2018 NAATI exam reform, NAATI is holding an English proficiency test for skilled immigrants only. The written translation and ethics portions of the CCL exam have been canceled, leaving only the oral interpretation portion. You can gain five immigration points with your transcript if you pass the exam. No certification is necessary, but you cannot work as a professional translator without it. Students who wish to immigrate may take the CCL exam, which awards them five immigration points. While the CCL test retains most of the original second-level interpretation test’s features, it adds dialogue interpretation as a new component. However, the bar is lower for the CCL test because it does not include questions about professional ethics or cultural practices. Interpreting a dialogue is complex, and it necessitates training and coaching to become proficient.

 NAATI Certification and NAATI CCL

The National Association of Interpreters and Translators (NAATI) Certification is an impartial evaluation of abilities for interpreters and translators in Australia. NAATI certified interpreters and translators are recognized as professionals who are actively engaged in their fields and dedicated to continuing their education and training. The NAATI CCL exam, on the other hand, allows people to claim five points toward obtaining permanent residence status.

NAATI Exam Format

As part of the NAATI CCL Test, a candidate must demonstrate their ability to communicate the meaning of exchange while speaking in either an English-speaking or LOTE language. A tape is played during the CCL Test, and the test taker must understand and translate it. There are two conversations on this tape, also called dialogues or discussions. In each discussion, two native English speakers converse with a native speaker of the London Oral and Written English (LOTE). The answer of a candidate is recorded for marking purposes. About half of the conversation is in English, and half is in LOTE, with each dialogue being about 300 words long. Again, the chat is broken up into smaller parts. There are a total of 35 words in each section.

Results and Pass/Fail status

CCL exams are marked by at least two independent examiners who have undergone training. An examiner marks each conversation using a logical marking method. The CCL test has two dialogues. Applicants will be judged mainly on how well they communicate in English and a language other than English on the CCL (LOTE). Quality of language (both in LOTE and English) is considered, and the candidate must also retain the original’s register and style. A candidate must show complete understanding and language output that adheres to the language’s recognized standards. When you make a mistake in any area, you will lose marks (including grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and register). Each conversation in the test must be at least 29 points, and the total score must be 63 out of 90 points to pass.

For the CCL exam, NAATI will provide the results according to the mark achieved:

  • Passed: a score of 63 or better (out of 90)
  • The margin Fail: Marks b/w 55 to 62.5 percent (out of 90)
  • FAIL Wholly: a score of less than 55 (out of 90)

Apply for NAATI Test

Candidates who want to take the NAATI CCL exam must apply online via the NAATI website. To use, you’ll need a passport picture and a scanned copy of an official government-issued photo ID, such as a passport.

Areas Covered in the Test

For the most part, the NAATI CCL examines real-world issues that impact Australian culture and society. You’ll learn about subjects like health and social services as well as business and finance. You’ll also learn about immigration and housing as well as consumer affairs.

NAATI Exam Fee

The NAATI Exam Fee is not a low-cost exam by any means. The cost of the test is $800. (including GST). You have the option to pay NAATI Exam Fee with a credit card or via direct deposit. All NAATI Exam Fee and levies are stated in Australian dollars ($AUD) and are valid from the first day of July 2021 to the last day of June 2022.

The NAATI Exam fee is not less, and you should prepare yourself for the NAATI Exam before taking it.

Prepare for NAATI Test

You have to pay a considerable fee(800$) as NAATI Exam Fee, and you should prepare for the test before. Individuals who want to take an exam should devote at least 6-8 weeks of preparation time to it. To succeed in the exam, you must put in the effort to learn how to take good notes, utilize proper terminology, and apply the correct techniques. However, applicants are encouraged to practice by NAATI, but they are not required to do so before taking the CCL exam.

Mistakes in NAATI Exam

We have come up with the mistakes you need to avoid to pass the exam. Omitting information from an exam is a significant error and can cost you a lot of marks.

  1. Distortions in the NAATI CCL exam mean you are altering or changing the meaning/content of the source language. Distortions are a primary “transfer of meaning” error caused due to poor comprehension (listening) and memory.
  • Literal interpreting means your answer follows the same structure as the speaker (source language). You are making it difficult for the listener to understand your meaning. Instead, it would help if you focused on conveying the sense idiomatically.

If you are paying NAATI Exam Fee, then you should succeed in it, and the success is with hard work. Prepare for it and fulfill your dream in Australia.

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