These Celebs’ Look-Alikes Will Make You Do a Double Take

Brace yourself: You’re not seeing double here.
It’s just that these celebrities really have doppelgängers who look so much like them that it almost seems like they have a long-lost twin. And we’ve rounded up some of the most convincing evidence to prove some mere mortals simply look like our favorite superstars.
There is no doubt these mirror images have to fend off being asked for selfie by fans who think they just ran into Harry Styles at Starbucks. And sometimes, even the stars themselves are shook by the uncanny resemblance. Take, for example, when Rihanna saw a picture of a little girl who could basically be her daughter. The “Love on the Brain” singer’s reaction? “Almost drop my phone,” she tweeted, “how?”
It’s exactly what we want to know too, RiRi.
So take a look at the people who look just like Scarlett Johansson, Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift and more.