Music Crush Monday: P!nk – Press Pass LA

P!nk is tucking us in with her version of a fairytale, or maybe the motivational push you need for a great week.

“When I becomes me,” what an excellent motto. Tune into P!nk’s feel good about yourself track that is sure to revive your spirit and get your week going in the direction it needs. The world is a crazy place, but right now, more than ever we need to take care of ourselves. “All I Know So Far” is an excellent power ballad that also reminds you of the grace you owe yourself, and the ability we all have within us to move forward. Let us know what you think of the song. The video is beautiful and directed by Dave Meyers. Tune in for the Amazon original documentary on P!nk’s latest single “All I Know So Far,” coming May 12st.