
Importing Coffee from Brazil: Different States and Farms in Brazil

Coffee was farmed almost entirely for home purposes by European colonists at first, but as demand for coffee grew in the United States and on the European Union in the early to mid-nineteenth century, coffee supplies elsewhere in the world began to dwindle.

The coffee-growing behemoths of Indonesia and Ceylon were virtually wiped out by major occurrences of coffee-leaf rust. Creating a market for Central and South America’s booming coffee industry.

Imports of Brazilian Coffee: A Summary

Brazil’s vastness and diversity of landscapes and microclimates revealed enormous production potential, and its proximity to the US made it a logical and practical export-import partner for the Western market.

A statistics says-Brazil- Quantity: 192500 Value: (USD Million) -0.28, October 2020.

Brazil’s Coffee-Producing States 

In Brazil, four major coffee-producing states include a wide range of areas and all grow specialty coffees. Here’s a rundown of the important traits found in the Arabica bean-producing states’ regions:

  • State: Minas Gerais

About half of Brazil’s Arabica coffee is grown in this state. This country is also a big producer of specialty coffees.

Matas de Minas

The caramel and chocolate overtones provided by the area’s high humidity and warmer environment have helped this region gain a reputation for growing high-quality, specialty coffee.

Chapada de Minas

Due to its upland location, this region frequently employs mechanical production methods. As a result, the beans have a sweet and, on occasion, chocolate flavor.

Cerrado de Minas

Cerrado de Minas, the first coffee-producing region in Brazil to be awarded the “Designation of Origin” seal, has a reputation in the coffee world comparable to that of well-known wine-producing regions.

Sul de Minas

Flavor Profile: This high-altitude, moderate-temperature region produces various varieties of Arabica beans — usually on tiny farms — and accounts for around 30% of the country’s coffee production. This region’s coffees are known for their fruity scent and robust body.

  • State: São Paulo

This state is home to Brazil’s largest coffee-exporting port as well as a rich history.


Flavor Profile: This location produces superb coffees with low acidity, a big body, and hints of fruitiness or chocolate thanks to the rich, red volcanic soil, high altitudes, and mild temperatures.

Centro-Oeste de São Paulo

Flavor Profile: This region is known for its mountainous topography and is home to four cities with a majority of small- to medium-sized farms. This region’s coffees are known for their moderate flavor.

  • State: Espírito Santo

This state is known for being the greatest producer of Robusta beans in Brazil, but it also grows certain specialty coffees.

Montanhas do Espírito Santo 

Flavor Profile: Produced in a highland region with mild temperatures, this region yields beans with strong acidity and a fruity flavor profile.

  • State: Bahia

Unlike the rest of Brazil, Bahia only began cultivating coffee in the 1970s, making it the country’s newest coffee-producing state. Arabica beans make for around 75% of the coffee produced in this country.

Cerrado and Planalto da Bahia

Flavor Profile: This region’s high-tech production procedures distinguish it not just for its efficiency, but also for its ability to produce high-quality specialty coffees. In fact, in 2015, one of the region’s coffees was awarded the pulped-natural “Cup of Excellence.” Because of the high altitudes, rainy winters, and dry summers, coffee from this region has a sweet flavor profile.

Brazil’s Most Popular Coffee Plantations

Here’s a rundown of some of Brazil’s most well-known farms. While we do not deal directly with these farmers, these examples provide insight into standard farm practices in the United States.

Monte Alto

This farm has a reputation for outstanding coffees and a lengthy history of coffee production thanks to its 136 years of existence. It has mountainous scenery and fertile soils and is located in the state of Minas Gerais. However, because of the steep hills, all of the coffee had to be harvested manually until recently.

Sítio Brandt

This 40-year-old farm, located on the slopes of Espirito Santo, is another family-run company. While it grows both Robusta and Arabica beans, its crew keeps the two types of coffee separate to assure that its Arabica beans are 100% Catua.


If you want to acquire, import coffee from Brazil the procedure is rather simple. Set up a “cupping” event with your potential importer to try their coffees, and then work with them to arrange your purchase.


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