How to Get Your House Ready for Sale

When you are thinking of selling your home, you are likely going to want to get the best possible price that you can so that you can then afford to purchase a much better property or one that is in a highly sought-after area.
However, this will take work and patience, and every cent you put into getting your property right for sale should be seen as an investment.
Complete Outstanding Jobs
It is a very good idea to take a pen and paper and take a slow walk around your home jotting down any jobs that you see that you feel you would want to be completed, should you be the one viewing your property to purchase. If you can not see very many, it may be worth asking a friend to take a slow walk around with you, as it is highly likely they will see things that a potential buyer will see.
These are jobs that will affect the price that you will get for your property, and they should be addressed before you get a real estate agent round to value your home.
Give Your Property Curb Appeal
High on your to-do list should be to give your property the curb appeal that it deserves. If your property does not look well cared for on the outside or has a less than desirable exterior, it is likely that those potential buyers that are looking to pay top dollar will just drive on past and won’t bother even ringing your bell or knocking on your door.
So, you must pay attention to your porch area, your front door, window frames, and windows as well as your drive and garage if you have one. Giving a fresh lick of paint can do wonders to the exterior of a home and be sure to book a local window cleaner to take care of your windows regularly so that you do not have to think about their upkeep.
You may want to add some potted plants to your porch or veranda area to bring your front garden in towards your house and make your front door seem more welcoming. In this, you will have to make sure that your lawn looks good and that there aren’t any weeds growing over your drive or up your garden path.
Show Its Interior Appeal
Once you have enticed your potential buyers to stop and knock on your door, you are going to have to wow them with the interior. This will be after you have completed the jobs on your to-do list and possibly repainted areas such as doorways that can be easily scuffed and can make the house look dull and unloved.
You may very well want to payout for professional cleaners to come in and do a deep clean for you so that your house smells clean and fresh. It is a very good idea that you remove any unnecessary clutter so that your viewers will be able to get a look at the home that they will be buying and be able to visualize their belongings in the spaces in front of them.
This may mean that you need to thin out your furniture and pack a few personal items away. Indeed, you can sell these items if you wish, however, by hiring a storage unit such as one from BlueBox to house these items and your furniture in, you will not have to part with them and they will be ready for you when you finally get to your new home.
Cheap makeovers
You can give your kitchen a cheap makeover to improve its looks by replacing the cupboard doors and drawer fronts and getting an overlay for your worktops will give your kitchen a different look and it will not cost anywhere near as much as getting a total kitchen revamp.
In this, you will have to address your bathroom areas too, whether this is in just replacing the flooring or jazzing up your tiles with tile paint and de-staining your toilet. These are the two most important rooms for buyers, and they can just as easily put buyers off as get them to fall in love with your property.
Focus On Your Exterior Entertainment Area
Once you have the internal areas of your home looking good, you will need to consider that those that are looking to have a garden, or a yard are probably going to want to entertain in it.
This means that you can play designer in your garden area and set up an ideal entertainment area, whether you choose to go for a decked area or a paved area, it is important that it is large enough to get some furniture on comfortably without feeling cluttered and on top of each other, it is up to you whether you choose the furniture to be a table and chairs or a sofa and chair option, remember that you will be taking the furniture with you when you move so make sure that it is a design that you like as well as one the looks good in your current garden.
Make a statement
Those that come into your garden to be entertained are going to want to look at a nicely well-maintained garden, so it is a good idea to get planning your garden from your entertainment area’s viewpoint. A nice array of plants and flowers with a couple of statement pieces or a water feature could be very good depending on the size of your plot. You do not have to spend much if you spend wisely and even a little bit of an investment in this area could see your property being snapped up quickly for the full asking price.
For instance, you could find that there are those in your neighborhood that are selling plants on a stall in their front yard, buying unwanted plants on places such as Facebook and other social media platforms, or that your friends and family are happy for you to take cuttings from their plants for you to save costs and then just going to the garden centers for your big centerpieces.