Health Benefits Of Professional Couch Cleaning

While you are enjoying your sofa at home, have you ever thought about the germs, bacteria and fungus’s that are living there?
Sofas are perhaps one of the dirtiest things in your house. You can find traces of food, dirt and even pet hair stuck on them. As a matter of fact, most people forget to clean their sofas regularly because it is not once in two days we use our living room. All these elements lead to trouble when you come down with flu or any other respiratory illness.
Professional couch cleaning gold coast service providers understand this fact and thus provide professional care for your furniture by using state-of-the-art tools, chemicals and equipment. With regular checkups they sanitize the entire sofa, not just the surface.
This article focuses on how professional couch cleaning Brisbane service providers help you to stay away from health issues by keeping your furniture clean and germ free.
A dirty sofa is like a haven for germs, bacteria and fungus’s. The porous material of sofas attracts them easily because it provides moist environment necessary for their growth. Here are some health issues you can get if you don’t clean your sofa regularly:
There are many people who suffer from allergies especially in winter months when windows remain closed for most times of the day. It is difficult to identify that allergy symptoms are caused due to dirty sofas but our body gives us certain indications that we should be aware of. If you suddenly get dryness in the eyes, nose and even throat after sitting on your sofa it might be due to dust mites. These tiny creatures can also cause asthma attacks especially for those people who are sensitive to them.
A dirty sofa not only gives out bad odour but makes you feel disgusted when you sit on it with full of confidence just because you don’t want others to think that your home is unhygienic or untidy. You should never ignore the smell coming out from your sofas as they contain certain harmful bacteria’s which can cause flu like symptoms if inhaled by any member of your family especially children and old aged people.
Skin Disorders
Allergy is not the only skin disorder caused by dirty sofas. Children are highly affected by this problem because they spend most of their time on the floor with toys and other things which gets attached to their skin. Dirty sofas make them vulnerable to different kinds of infections like scabies, lice, etc., which can be transmitted if children continue sitting on these surfaces for long hours without getting washed.
Allergy is not the only skin disorder caused by dirty sofas. Children are highly affected by this problem because they spend most of their time on the floor with toys and other things which gets attached to their skin. Dirty sofas make them vulnerable to different kinds of infections like scabies, lice, etc., which can be transmitted if children continue sitting on these surfaces for long hours without getting washed.
If you feel irritation in the throat and if you start coughing after spending some time on your sofa it means that there is accumulation of harmful germs which are also responsible for giving birth to different kinds of bacteria’s. If these bacteria’s get accumulated in one place they give off gases, mainly sulphuric acid gas, which when inhaled by any member of your family can cause severe health issues like bronchitis or even tuberculosis.
Pet hair
Pet hair can be seen all around your house but cleaning them isn’t necessary if cats and dogs spend most of their time outside. However, pet hairs stuck on sofas can cause serious diseases especially if someone in your family has asthma. These hairs are not only harmful for the people who sit on sofas but also act as food for dust mites.
Skin Disease
It is difficult to keep our skin clean if we live in an unhygienic environment because it absorbs whatever comes in contact with it. Dirty sofas spread germs and bacteria’s when their surface is touched by dirty hands which cause serious health issues like scabies, lice, etc.,
Dust Allergy
Breathing a lot of dust can result into different kinds of allergies and asthma attacks because dust particles go deep into our respiratory system resulting into swelling of lungs which makes breathing difficult even for healthy people. Dust allergy symptoms start showing up after exposure to certain allergens for a long time.
Allergy is not the only skin disorder caused by dirty sofas. Children are highly affected by this problem because they spend most of their time on the floor with toys and other things which gets attached to their skin. Dirty sofas make them vulnerable to different kinds of infections like scabies, lice, etc., which can be transmitted if children continue sitting on these surfaces for long hours without getting washed.
Harmful Gases
Dirt and dust when stays in closed places for a long time give off certain poisonous gases like carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide which can cause serious health issues like headache, nausea, vomiting, etc., if inhaled by any member of your family. These gases also lead to fast breeding of algae and moulds due to moisture which results into even more dangerous diseases like asthma and lung cancer.
Lack of Hygiene
Dirty sofas and carpets can be a reason behind lack of hygiene in your house because none of the member is interested in sitting on them and thus, these places remain untouched for days which results into accumulation of bacteria’s and harmful germs. These bacteria’s give birth to other harmful bacteria’s which lead to different kinds of diseases if not taken care immediately.