Gnarly Red Band Trailer for ‘America: The Motion Picture’ on Netflix

Gnarly Red Band Trailer for ‘America: The Motion Picture’ on Netflix
by Alex Billington
June 30, 2021
Source: YouTube

“Ding dong, it’s America M-Fer!” Netflix has released one more trailer for the animated comedy America: The Motion Picture, a final red band trailer packed with profanity and violence galore. Which is befitting America’s sordid history. Debuting on Netflix today – just in time for the 4th of July weekend. In this wildly tongue-in-cheek animated revisionist history, a chainsaw-wielding George Washington assembles a team of rabble rousers — beer-loving bro Sam Adams, famed scientist Thomas Edison, acclaimed horseman Paul Revere, and a pissed off Geronimo — to defeat Benedict Arnold and King James in the American Revolution. This animated movie stars “America’s sweethearts” — Channing Tatum (as G.W.), Jason Mantzoukas, Olivia Munn, Judy Greer, Bobby Moynihan (as Paul), Raoul Max Trujillo (as Geronimo), Killer Mike, Andy Samberg, Will Forte, and Simon Pegg (as King James). This is very similar to the original trailer, just with some added “red band” material. It may be extra dumb, but definitely looks like good fun.
Here’s the new red band trailer for Matt Thompson’s America: The Motion Picture, from YouTube:
You can still view the first official trailer for Netflix’s America: The Motion Picture here, for more footage.
For, like, thousands of years, the actual origins of the United States of America have remained shrouded in mystery, lost to the sands of time. Who built this ‘country tis of thee,’ and why? Only the dinosaurs know… until now. For the first time in human history, the incredible, completely true story of America’s origins are revealed in America: The Motion Picture — a once-in-a-lifetime cultural event available the only way the Founding Fathers ever intended their story be told: On Netflix, on your phone, June 30th. America: The Motion Picture is directed by producer / writer / filmmaker Matt Thompson, making his first feature film following lots of animation TV work including “Sealab 2021″, Frisky Dingo”, “Dicktown”, “Cake” and “Archer” previously. The screenplay is written by Dave Callaham. Netflix will release America: The Motion Picture streaming exclusively starting on June 30th this summer. Who’s ready for this ol’ America bash?!