
Fighting Fatigue In Arthritic Patients

Arthritis is a chronic and painful condition that results in the inflammation of the joints. It leads to the joints becoming stiff, and thus any movement leads to immense pain then.

You may experience this problem in one or more of the joints. It also causes problems with movement and subsequently decreases one’s range of motion. Severe cases may also then cause one to become unable to partake in their routine operations.

Another impact of arthritis on the life of the person is that it leads to extreme fatigue as well. For the management of the symptoms, it is best to follow the treatment plan of their General Physician Lahore.

However, you can also take steps to manage fatigue with your disease. Some helpful tips include:

Check if you are anemic

Iron-deficiency anemia is a condition in which the body is short on iron, the compound that plays an integral role in the transport of oxygen. When there is a dearth of iron, cells are unable to get enough oxygen, and thus insufficient energy is produced in the body, therefore leading to fatigue.

Hence, if you are feeling lethargic with disorientation and cannot make sense of it otherwise, talk to your doctor about getting tested for iron.


Water supports important processes around the body. Dearth of water in the body then prevents these processes from occurring. Furthermore, lack of sufficient water also leads fatigue, disorientation, and dizziness.

One way to check if you are dehydrated is by gauging how many visits to the loo you make, and the color of the urine. If the urine is dark colored, then it is a sign that your body needs more water.

Start the day off right

Breakfast sets the tone for the day. It is therefore pertinent that you eat breakfast in the morning, so that your body has enough resource to fuel you and your body. Otherwise, you will feel fatigued from the low blood sugar level. Even if you take lunch, but your deficit by that point has increased, such that eating later will not completely invigorate you.

Hence, have a healthy and hearty breakfast. Avoid too much sugar, as the sugar rush then is followed by sugar crash, that then causes you to feel fatigued.

Watch your sleep

Sleep is important for the body to recuperate. It is also required for the body to heal and get over the wear and tear sustained through the day. Hence, it is imperative that you get sufficient sleep.

If you are not getting 7-9 hours of sleep, then you must take steps to remedy the situation. Set yourself a proper sleep routine by going to bed and waking up at a fixed time. Furthermore, do not use the screen when in bed. Refrain from eating in bed. Try to use thick blinds if the morning sun disrupts your sleep.

Manage your disease

Pain can be extremely draining. Moreover, pain can also interrupt sleep, thereby exacerbating the fatigue. You therefore need to have a game plan with regards to pain management, and the most effective way is by protecting your joints.

Refrain from stressing them out too much. Some people feel shy about using equipment and aides like walking stick, but considering what’s at stake, you can make do with adjusting your priorities.

Understand whether it’s a side-effect of your medication

For the management of pain and the other symptoms of arthritis, many patients have to take painkillers. There are other medicines that they might have to take as well, including DMARDs etc. The fatigue might then be a side-effect of your medicines.  

Since living without the medication is not possible, then the fatigue has then to be taken in stride. If the fatigue is too much, then perhaps consult your doctor over at Iqra Medical Complex for either updating your medication or prescribing an antidote.

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