Facts about Israel

Israel is a small country with an abundance of natural resources, consisting mostly of land and water. Its topography can be divided into three major regions; The coastal plain which runs along the eastern side (included here), highlands in northern parts towards Asia – commonly referred to as “the north” by locals due to its proximity — And finally Negev Desert at southern tip where most people live who work outdoors everyday jobs such farming or construction, etc.. These vast differences between locations offer various scenic views depending on where you go!
The State of Israel is one-of-a kind. It’s the only Jewish nation in modern history, and this region has lengthy prehistory that dates back to before biblical times! The area was part Roman Empire – later Byzantine successor states but it fell under Islamic caliphate rule around 700 CE when crusaders weren’t looking too closely at what they were fighting over; which happened often between Christians & Muslims because there wasn’t much else going on yet anyway…
The Ottoman Turks finally lost control over most places related to Christianity or Judaism after World War I ended so those people could live safely without fear.
Shavei Israel says the Jewish people have always had a desire for the Promised Land. This movement grew dramatically in popularity during World War II, when it was at its most dangerous and Jews were being targeted by Hitler’s Nazi Germany all over Europe; however this caused tension with native Palestinians who opposed their presence there because they believed that area should be Arab-occupied instead of Israeli controlled territory
The UN plan dividing up what is now known as Israel led to an internationally documented conflict between these two opposing sides: The “Jewish Homeland” or “Palestinian Republic”? It’s been going on since 1948 but just last year peace seemed possible after negotiations brokered through United States Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton.
Israel was not always the regional powerhouse it is today. For much of its history, Israel has been engaged in a series bitter conflicts with nearby Arab states that resulted from competing territorial ambitions and disputes over refugees fleeing these wars. Despite ongoing tensions between them there have nonetheless been some notable exceptions where peace treaties were signed by both sides during this time period – finishing up their 20th century alone!
Israel is a country of many wonders, with its diverse landscape ranging from the searing heat of Africa’s deserts to Europe-like coldness. From Israel’s tallest peak Mount Hermon in north pastures lie Lebanon and Damascus on one side allying themselves through religious ties while having borders disputes along their own border regions near temple mount which houses al Aqsa mosque compound considered sacred by muslims worldwide.
The coastal plain is a narrow strip of land that stretches out to 25 miles in the south. The sandy beaches and beautiful views make this area popular among tourists, but there are also many cultural sites like historic cities or museums for those who want more than just sea-level scenery!