
Electric Skateboard: The Main Characteristics

Electric skateboards have given a new life to the old and beloved traditional skateboard, making it a true means of transport.

The market offers many alternatives, even at a low price. In order to identify the best electric skateboard for your needs, you will have to set a budget and consider a number of factors that we will discuss today.

Main characteristics of an electric skateboard

Motor and Speed

The electric skateboard is one of the most revolutionary means of transport. It is the perfect combination of beauty and fun that a conventional skate offers with the comfort of a motorized push.

There are two types of designed motors: the city ones and the offroad ones.

The city motor doesn’t really need that much power to transport you from A to B because the roads are flat and smooth, so 400 watts can be enough. The offroads require more than 400 watts, as roads are rough and full of obstacles.

If, on the other hand, you want to face difficult and uneven terrain, mainly uphill, you need to increase the power. The electric skateboards that work best in this regard have a 2000 watt motor.

The speed of an electric skateboard is a parameter to take into account when calculating travel time and battery life. Depending on the engine power, these vehicles can reach from 10 km/h to peaks of 45 km/h. These are maximum speeds that can therefore be maintained for a limited time. Average speed, which takes into account variations over time, is usually around 20 km/h. In pedestrian areas, the maximum speed allowed by the highway code is 6 km/h.


The batteries of your electric skateboard affect its autonomy: the better they are, the more kilometers you can travel without recharging. Although there are different types, you should choose lithium ion batteries because they are lightweight and offer higher performance. 

A good autonomy for an electric skateboard is quantified in an hour or 20 km, in fact some manufacturers calculate it in time and others in distance. In addition, it is better to do some tests before traveling long distances with your electric skateboard because the battery life can be different from person to person: it influences the weight and how the driver drives.


The wheels of electric skateboards are quite the same as those of the classic models. They are made of polyurethane, a material that provides excellent grip and is especially resistant. They can be classified according to two parameters:

  • Hardness: The softer wheels, with lower values, are not very fast but they give a good grip, especially on uneven terrain. The harder wheels should only be used on almost completely smooth surfaces and provide unprecedented speed;
  • Diameter: The small ones measure 48 mm, while the large ones reach 60 mm. The former allow immediate acceleration but low speed, the latter, on the other hand, are very fast but to reach these peaks you need a little more push.

Remote Control for Electric Skateboard

Electric skateboards are not driven by operating a handlebar or balancing their own weight, but require a remote control that is operated with one hand. It is small and ergonomic, it usually has an elongated shape and is easy to grip.

To carry out the vehicle presents:

  • a lever that allows the vehicle to move forward and lock;
  • a switch to turn it on and off.

To turn, as in a classic board, you have to shift your weight to the right or left, loading the wheels further in the direction you want to go. Remember that the remote control also needs batteries to work, so stock up on them or, if you have rechargeable batteries, charge them together with the electric skateboard.


The battery charger of an electric skateboard is very important. Always use the one included in the package and if it breaks, choose one with the same voltage since, otherwise, in addition to not working well, it could damage the vehicle’s components. Another characteristic to consider is the type of plug and the length of the cable.

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