Recently split couple Erica Mena and Safaree have welcomed their second child together. The 39-year-old rapper announced the birth of his son on Instagram, writing, "MR Straittt jr is here!!" Safaree shared a photo of the newborn swaddled in a hospital blanket and knit cap. He posted an additional photo of the little guy holding his finger, captioning the moment, "Another me... That's all the world needed." Safaree did not reveal their baby's name, and Erica has yet to publicly celebrate his birth. The baby's birth comes one month after Erica filed for divorce from Safaree after a year and a half of marriage. The Love & Hip-Hop alum had only announced her pregnancy weeks before news of their split. In the May 21 filing obtained by E! News, Erica described their relationship as "irretrievably broken." Additionally, the 33-year-old social media personality requested primary physical and joint legal custody of their 17-month-old daughter, Safire Majesty Samuels.