We Have Switched to Follow.it – Subscribe for Daily Update E-Mails

We Have Switched to Follow.it – Subscribe for Daily Update E-Mails
by Alex Billington
July 1, 2021

A technical update for followers of FirstShowing who have been subscribed to our email newsletter already. Google’s Feedburner service has officially shut down (as of July 2021) and after more than a decade of using this service, we’ve switched to a different email service. FirstShowing is now using Follow.it – visit our FS feed here. You can subscribe on the website and/or subscribe to updates via email, too. This will replace our Feedburner daily newsletter emails and we have imported all the “active” subscribers from Feedburner into Follow.it. If you’re already getting this emails, everything will continue as normal. You don’t need to change anything. If you’d prefer to get an email every day with each day’s posts, then subscribe here and that’s it.
As the internet continues to evolve every single day, we must keep up with all the changes to stay relevant and to remain a “modern” movie blog. It is my mission (and it’s not an easy one) to keep FirstShowing clean and easy-to-use, with minimal disruptions and only enough advertising keep our servers running. We also want to provide an email option if you prefer to receive updates in email every day (or every week), and visit the site when there’s a trailer to watch or a good article to read. Follow.it has helped us setup the same daily update newsletter we’ve been running with Google’s Feedburner service since the start of FirstShowing over 15 years ago. If you have any questions, please contact us. And for daily updates and emails, please visit our feed on Follow.it and subscribe there. We’ll keep you informed about the latest upcoming releases + trailers.