
Node.js 14 UPDATE: HERE’S Everything You Need to Know

Node.js is an open-source tool that helps developers to use JavaScript runtime environment for server-side scripting and dynamic application development.

Node.js is also one of the most popular developer tools available today. Its popularity stems in part from the fact that it provides a runtime environment for application development. On April 21, 2020, Node.js 14 was released. The latest version of Node.js includes several beneficial features and enhancements for developers. Services for NodeJs development services are also in high demand right now.

V8 upgrade, enhanced diagnostics, and API stream modification are among the release’s highlights. Other improvements include the removal of long-disapproved APIs, the decrease of experimental module warnings, and so on.

Features/updates of Node.js 14

  1. Stability of Diagnostic Report

Node.js 12 included a diagnostic report feature, however, it was only for testing purposes. It will be a stable feature in Node.js 14. This is a critical step in improving the diagnostic and making it accessible when using Node.js.

When a specific event occurs, this feature assists in the creation of a report-on-demand. The data in the report is useful for diagnosing app development concerns.

  1. Experimental Web Assembly System Interface (WASI)

WASI (Web Assembly System Interface) is an emerging method that allows app code to operate in a variety of settings without requiring any changes. WASI modules will be written and tested by Nodejs developers. This necessitates a substantial amount of usage.

This feature acts as an enabler, allowing WASI code to access assets of the operating system type.

  1. V8 engine upgraded to 8.1

The new version of JavaScript will bring performance improvements and a few new features like:


Ø  Date Time Format: The feature enables the calendar options and also the numbering system.

Ø  Display names: It offers consistency of district, language, and content showcase names.

Ø  Optional Chaining: It allows accessing a property’s value located deep within a chain of connected things.

  1. Async Local storage API

A class called async local storage is used to generate asynchronous state and promise chains. One of the most useful features of Node.js 14 is the async local storage API. This feature can be useful for apps that need to maintain consistency. Nodejs developers can use the async local storage API to store data over the life of an online solicitation.

  1. Platform minimums and new compiler

Node.js comes with pre-built binaries for a variety of systems. The minimum toolchains for each prime release are measured and expanded as needed. This version of Node.js is compatible with all Mac OS X binaries and may be compiled on Mac OS X 10. Because the binaries are still being compiled, it is impossible to say whether or not this will have a detrimental impact on past macOS versions.

  1. Removal of Experimental Modules Warning

The warning about utilizing ESM in Node.js has been removed in Node.js 14. It should be emphasized, however, that the implementation of ESM in Node.js is still in its early stages. However, ESM in Node.js will be stable soon. However, deleting the warning is a significant step in the right direction.

It’s important to remember that future releases may include removals or changes that aren’t backward compatible. As a result, users should exercise caution while using this feature in a production environment.

  1. Streams

Many changes in the implementation of the Node.js stream have been identified as Sem Ver significant in the 14th release of Node.js. All of these changes have been made to improve uniformity throughout the stream’s APIs and to remove uncertainty in the Node.js core. However, it is unlikely that these Sem Ver changes will have an influence on the apps. It is recommended that you test it if you are heavily reliant on streams.

The future of node.js is bright



With the introduction of all these new features and updates, the future of Node.js is looking very bright. It will bring freshness to the tech ecosystems. Also, it opens up numerous possibilities for Node.js. The latest version of Node.js will really increase the popularity of Node.js apps. And, its future seems very bright with the addition of these important and much-needed updates.


In the upcoming months, Node.js 14 will get the newest features that are contributed to the effectiveness of Node.js. And, as we saw, the features of Node.js are very useful for enhancing performance. These features also fulfil important improvements like experimental asynchronous local storage. If you are thinking of building your upcoming project with the use of the latest version of Node.js then you should take the best Nodejs development services so that your project can be done successfully and in an effective way. The features/updates of Node.js are very useful and thus you should make the best use of them with the help of experts.

Author’s Bio: Harshal Shah is the CEO of Elsner Technologies Pvt. Ltd. He has an overall experience of more than three decades in the IT industry. His area of interest lies in writing interesting pieces of content mostly on topics relevant to different types of CMS platforms. He wants to ensure that readers get acquainted with multiple web development tools & techniques so that we can build a technology-driven world for the future.



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