Meet the Partners Who Are Always There for the Friends Cast

Because one of the more surprising—and delightful!—revelations to come out of the HBO Max get-together was that Schwimmer and Aniston were almost a real life Ross-and-Rachel.
“Honestly, I remember saying one time to David, ‘It’s going to be such a bummer if the first time you and I actually kiss is going to be on national television,'” Aniston shared on the special of their mutual crushes. “And sure enough, the first time we kissed was in that coffee shop. So, we just channeled all of our adoration and love for each other into Ross and Rachel.”
Say it with us now, “Oh. My. Gawwwwwwd.”
While that two-and-a-half-decades-old crush might very well have faded, we can still dream that they’re not completely over it. (Because that, my friend, is what they call closure. Sorry. Had to.) As for the rest of the Friends cast’s love lives, here’s what we know they know we know.