
LMFT Supervisor Training: Learning Objectives

To achieve your team’s goals, you need to keep them on task and focused on what they’re supposed to be doing. Since you aren’t their boss, it can be challenging to gain their trust and respect, making this job even more challenging. These Lmft Supervisor Training skills will help you become an effective leader who can still get their team members to perform effectively even when they are not thrilled about the work you assign them.

Build A Relationship With A Supervisee By Choosing Activities Focusing On This

Being a supervisor can be daunting, especially if you’re new to your role. But it doesn’t have to be. Whether you’re overseeing a brand-new staff member or a veteran staffer, following these tips can help make your relationship stronger and keep communication lines open. A good relationship with a supervisee is excellent for team building and helps nurture new employees and help them feel more confident in their work duties. Ultimately, better communication leads to higher levels of job satisfaction and productivity on your team—which is always a win for you as a supervisor!

Identify The Supervisor’s Needs During Supervision

In both in-session and in-between session time, be sure to check in with your supervisee and ask how you can best support them in their work. Are they hungry? Are they bored? Are they thirsty? Do they need a hug, a break, or some encouragement? The more you learn about your supervisee’s emotional and physical needs, the better able you will be to support their overall wellbeing. This is key to building trust between yourself and your supervisee.

Create A Plan To Identify Growth Opportunities

It’s important to sit down with your supervisor regularly to discuss whether you’re meeting expectations. One of your most important jobs as a new supervisor is to create opportunities for growth for your team members. You can’t motivate them if you don’t know what motivates them! But if you don’t have an opportunity-for-growth plan, it can be hard to have these conversations in productive ways. Make sure you set aside time on your regular schedule to sit down with each of your employees and talk about where they are in their development plan and how they might move ahead in their careers. Then, do something about it! Offer them new responsibilities, guide them toward professional development programs, or help connect them with others who could serve as mentors.

LMFT Supervisor Training: Learning Objectives
Image Source: pexels

Compare Theories Of Supervision And Non-Theories Of Supervision

A single, non-theory based model has dominated therapy supervision for many years. It’s time to take an honest look at what other models have to offer and consider why it may be time for a change. Several theoretical models of supervision could be more useful in training supervisors, therapists, and clients alike. Each offers a unique way of conceptualizing clinical management, but they also share certain key concepts that could inform how we train future generations of therapists. We should consider how a different approach to training can help therapists develop greater self-awareness and confidence as supervisors and lead to more effective therapy sessions with their supervisees. This would benefit both those who receive therapy from those who supervise therapy sessions.

Organize Paperwork And Documents For Supervision

It’s important to be prepared with all of your paperwork (supervisory notes, client information, etc.) for each session you supervise. To ensure you don’t miss anything, one way to maintain a Supervisory Notebook that includes all of your documents and forms on each client. Keeping them in one place will also help streamline administrative tasks like writing progress notes or billing. You can use word processing software like Microsoft Word or Google Docs, or an online program like Google Drive, but it is best to select something that will facilitate future communication with clients; PDF documents are not ideal for these purposes because some users may not have access to Adobe Acrobat Reader . If you prefer a physical notebook, there are many templates available online which can help keep your record-keeping organized.

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