How Derek Jeter Went From Major Player to Married Dad

That didn’t stop anyone from writing about Jeter, though—and he was careful not to read any of it. “I was always scared that I’d see my name and then scroll to see what they’re saying,” he told The Hollywood Reporter in 2015. “And I didn’t want to deal with that when I was playing. I’d tell my family and friends, ‘If you read something or hear something, don’t tell me about it.’ I didn’t want to read negativity.”
And ultimately his game plan—focus on work, play on the field, play the field, and then get serious when the game is over, when there’s more time and less temptation—worked out perfectly. He and wife Hannah Jeter, married since July 9, 2016, are enjoying life in sunny Florida with daughters Bella Raine and Story Grey Jeter.
“Raising a family in Miami is definitely different than in New York,” Jeter told Haute Living in 2019, just after Story was born, in a rare interview that touched on his non-business world—which nowadays includes being president of the Miami Marlins. “It’s nice because we’re now in our own home, and it makes it easy to move around, play in the yard, enjoy the outdoors, etc. My wife loves living in Miami. My oldest daughter is heading into school somewhat soon, so we’ve begun the process of looking at schools. We’re enjoying life and raising our family here.”