Britney Spears Says Father Jamie “Loved the Control” Over Her

“The control he had over someone as powerful as me, as he loved the control to hurt his own daughter 100,000 percent. He loved it,” she testified, according to a transcript of her statement published by Variety. “I packed my bags and went to that place. I worked seven days a week, no days off, which in California, the only similar thing to this is called sex trafficking.”
“Making anyone work against their will,” she continued, “taking all their possessions away—credit card, cash, phone passport—and placing them in a home where they work with the people who live with them. They all lived in the house with me, the nurses, the 24-7 security.”
Britney claimed that if she didn’t “work from eight to six at night…seven days a week, no days off” that she wasn’t allowed to “see my kids or my boyfriend.”