All about Israel and Palestine Conflicts

The recent wave of violence and attacks between Israelis has brought new attention to an old problem. The roots are deep, often predating the establishment for Israel in 1948; it even stretches into pre-Israeli period where wars were fought amongst other things – uprisings that at times seemed like they might offer hope but then never quite materialized into anything concrete or sustainable?
The past seven decades have seen many milestones on both sides: victory parades marking military successes but also funerals celebrating fallen heroes.
In the spring of 1948, a regional conflict grows amid growing tension between Israel and its Arab neighbors. The British Mandate for Palestine ends soon after with no resolution on what will happen next in this volatile region that has been roiling since before World War I began almost 90 years ago. On May 14th an independent country called “Israel” was declared but still there were many questions about borders or how it would somehow sit alongside all these other countries already here—the Palestinians fleeing their homes just makes them more homeless than ever before as hundreds thousand become refugees while others work hard enough only to live below poverty line standards despite continued growth each day thanks largely because nothing can grow without water anymore so farmers must always.
When Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal, it was a vital trade route that connected two important bodies of water. As such; Israel invaded and followed suit with other Western powers who wanted their share in this newly-acquired wealth—the United States included despite being isolationist at best during most parts 20th century up until then (and even today). This peace deal backed by America’s Cold War rival Soviets Union finally ended all fighting but due to sunken ships blocking navigation once again before reopening passage through what became known worldwide as “The Barrier”.
During the Six-Day War in June 1967, Israel was victorious. They took control over Gaza Strip and Sinai from Egypt as well reuniting Jerusalem by bringing it under Israeli law through military occupation which include West Bank territory previously occupied during Jordan’s reign there after 1948 Arab – Israeli war when eastern part became Jordanian province but now administered separately since 1990s civil wars have caused major population shifts leading up until today’s situation where some 800 thousand people live between two different countries: one being Palestinian Authority figuring out how best survive while other half resides within historic borders defined white.
On October 6, 1973, the Arab coalition led by Egypt and Syria launched an all-out attack on Israel. The Egyptians initially gained ground but were soon pushed back after a counteroffensive from Israeli forces with supplies aid coming primarily in U.S.’s support through third party lender Saudi Arabia who would eventually win this war against its usual enemies just two months later thanks to their stunning victory at1974 Ground War which marked beginning stages towards another successful revolution changing region forever!
1978: A peace deal between Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, known as the Camp David accords, is brokered on Sept. 17, 1978, by President Jimmy Carter. Potential Palestinian peace proposals were discussed, but never carried out.