
8 Basics of Landscape Design for a Beautiful Garden

Beautiful Garden

How to achieve the perfect garden look? While it may seem easy, in reality, creating a beautiful garden is like crafting a living work of art. A properly designed landscape will do much more than just enhance the beauty of your home.

It will also provide a tranquil space for you and your family to relax and enjoy time spent outside. Though creating the perfect garden isn’t simple, it’s far from being impossible. Understanding these 8 basics will help you achieve a gorgeous garden, no matter if you’re a new gardener or if you already have plenty of gardening experience.

Assess Your Space

When it comes to landscape design, the very first thing you should do is consider the space you’re working with. For instance, size and shape of the area, as well as soil type and sunlight exposure are all factors you should consider.

Apart from these, you should also think of features that already exist in the garden – trees, fences, and buildings. Paying attention to these factors will help you pick plants that will properly thrive in your garden.

Define Your Style

The next step is, naturally, to define your style. The garden should reflect your personal style and fit the unique architecture of your home. For instance, you might like symmetrical designs, in which case, you should try and achieve a formal and structured garden.

On the other hand, you might be more interested in relaxed design, with a lot of colourful flowers or a minimalist style with clean lines. Defining your style on time will guide you through plant and material selections.

Create a Focal Point

Once you’ve defined your style, at least in general, you can start thinking about some more concrete steps. For example, you can start considering what the focal point of your garden should be. A focal point is the part of a gorgeous outdoor landscape that draws the eye first and creates a sense of order.

You could pick almost anything for your focal point. A large tree, a gorgeous flowering plant, a water feature, a fire place, or sculptures – all of these are great focal points.

Use the Principle of Unity

The principle of unity in landscape design entails the cohesive flow between different parts of the garden. The best way to achieve this unity is by using a consistent colour palette or similar materials through the entire garden.

For instance, repetition of certain plants can easily create a sense of harmony, continuity, and cohesiveness of the garden.

Use the Right Plants

Another factor that will affect your landscape is the type of plants you pick. Make sure to pick plants that are suitable for your climate and soil conditions.

Try and mix perennials, annuals, shrubs, and trees to have an interesting garden all year long. When picking plants, consider factors like their mature size, growth rate, and maintenance.

Consider Balance and Proportion

There is no well-organised and aesthetically pleasing garden without balance and proportion. To achieve a balanced look, you should focus on symmetrical features such as mirrored planting and structures. Include asymmetrical elements too, in order to create a visually pleasing garden.

As far as proportion is concerned, ensure that the size of plants and features is appropriate and that it fits well in the overall scale of the garden.

Plan for All Seasons

A truly beautiful garden offers something interesting throughout the year. Make sure that your garden has different textures, colours, and blooms, at various times of the year.

For instance, include some evergreens and winter-blooming plants to keep it interesting during the coldest months as well. You can also rely on some decorative elements to add interest off-season.

Consider Functionality

Finally, don’t focus on aesthetics only! Instead, consider functionality as well. Make sure that you design your garden to suit your lifestyle and your needs.

At all times, think of how you plan to use the garden. You might need your garden for entertaining, relaxing, or gardening purposes. Depending on the purpose of the garden, design adequate pathways, seating areas, and garden beds.


Achieving the perfect garden look can take a bit of your time. However, all the time you invest in this adventure will pay off and, soon, you’ll have the garden that fits your style and your needs perfectly!

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